Sunday, April 8, 2012

Well, I am obviously not a good blogger....

Yes, so this photo food diary is not going to work. It is just too inconvenient to try to get photos of everything, upload them and all that. The lazy.... I certainly have it!

Let's try something new. I think I will just post about my daily efforts, successes and struggles. One month of posting will be my commitment. I can do that.

I am going to work to eat clean. Limit junk and processed foods. Lots and lots of fruit and veggies. Good lean proteins. Whole grains. I'd like to be pretty strict for the first week or two to develop health eating habits, but in the long run nothing will be off limits, I need to learn moderation.

Exercise of some sort everyday. Going to the gym. A quick run outdoors. A workout. Yoga.

I am debating putting some pictures up but I look so awful I don't think I can. Perhaps I will start with weight and measurements.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 1

Good morning! This is quite the wake up call! I wonder how much I usually eat that doesn't quite register because I popped it into my mouth thoughtlessly?

So far so good today. I had some coffee and tea along with lots of water.

Breakfast today was grapefruit and oranges. Lunch was a sweet potato with butter and a small Greek salad. Snacks were a handful of goldfish and a fun size package of skittles, then a handful of tamari almonds.

Dinner, homemade chicken soup with matzo balls. Goes nicely with a side of balsamic roasted veggies.

So far so good. I think that the effort of having to take the photographs makes the think twice before I pop something into my mouth. This is a good thing. This exercise has also given me newfound respect for all those food bloggers. Taking good photos of food, and making it look so appetizing is much harder than it seems.

Well, day one is over on to day two.

Monday, February 27, 2012

I need to do something.

OK, there are no more excuses. I feel awful, I look awful and my clothes don't fit. I need to make some changes and do it now. I like to cook and eat, and have absolutely no will power whatsoever! I plan to talk about my journey eating healthy and delicious foods and growing to love exercise. I am hoping to take up running again and plan to do a photo log of all my meals. I was inspired to go with a visual log because tracking food on a site like Sparkpeople or LoseIt helps me keep track of calories and nutrients, but I find it too easy to cheat and not really get a feeling for how much food I am eating (too much or too little). I recently saw a photo exhibit of the food people eat on a typical day thought this was a way better go for me, so lets get started!